Deb Dana presents: The Neurophysiological Basis of Safety and Regulation: Polyvagal Theory in Practice – June 25, 2019

University of Washington - Seattle campus WA, United States

“We come into the world wired to connect. With our first breath, we embark on a quest to feel safe in our bodies, in our environments, and in our relationships with others. The autonomic nervous system is our personal surveillance system, always on guard, asking the question “Is this safe?” Its goal is to protect […]


Promoting First Relationships® Learner Workshop – July 16 & 17, 2019

Watertown Hotel 4242 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA, United States

 2 Day Learner Workshop - Seattle - Watertown HotelProfessionals who work with caregivers and young children (0-3) often see the need to support and guide caregivers in building nurturing relationships with children. Promoting First Relationships workshop gives professionals the knowledge, tools, and strategies to do so. The Promoting First Relationships evidence-based program integrates theory, practice and […]


Promoting Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy Workshop – September 17 & 18, 2019

Center for Urban Horticulture 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA, United States

This workshop addresses the importance of helping the pregnant woman achieve a healthier mental and emotional state during pregnancy, to improve the chances that she and her child will experience a healthier relationship. Promoting Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy training covers issues critical to the development of the early mother-child relationship including . . .High-risk pregnanciesUnresolved grief or lossNormal, typical course […]
