The following is a list of trainers that are able to teach outside their organization, are willing to travel to your site, and/or teach the scales online. They are all individual practitioners. Most have a short statement about their training philosophy and/or experience. Please contact our office if you have questions or need further assistance with securing training.

United States


Jennifer Black, MA, SLP, IMHS

Jennifer is an enthusiastic trainer for Parent-Child Interaction scales. She has trained clinicians as well as researchers. Jennifer serves as faculty for the UC Davis Infant Mental Health Fellowship Program and works as an independent clinician and consultant

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Kristie Brandt, CNM, RN, MSN, NP, PHN, DNP

Napa Parent-Infant & Child Institute Director, Napa; Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist, Brazelton Institute NBO Faculty, NMT Mentor

Kristie has worked with children age 0-5 since 1974 and first learned the Feeding & Teaching Scales in 1979. She became a trainer in 1995. She has taught the Scales across the U.S. and uses them clinically, as well as in her research. Dr. Brandt considers them the premier assessment tool to guide work with young children and families. Kristie is a highly effective and powerful trainer.

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Erin Dornan-Liuzzo, Psy.D., IFECHMH FPR-II

Los Angeles Area

Erin is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. She first learned and implemented the PCI Scales in 2013. After seeing the power of these tools with her own client families, she wanted to extend their reach and impact. Erin became an Instructor for her own staff and other professionals in the community. She is able to travel around the state, country and world to deliver this training.

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Kiti Freier Randall, PhD

San Bernardino

Dr. Kiti is a Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Psychologist and has been teaching the NCAST PCI scales since 2011.

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Barb Deloian

greater Denver area

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Chris Russell

greater Denver area

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Sue Horner


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Amelia Miller, MS, IMHS


Amelia is an Infant Mental Health & Developmental Specialist, providing clinical services at a specialty children’s hospital in Chicago. Teaching the PCI tools has provided her with a tool to share her passion for supporting and working with caregivers and their young children.

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Carole Norris-Shortle, MSW, LICSW


Carole has been teaching the NCAST Feeding & Teaching scales, for both clinicians and researchers since 2001. She is willing and eager to share her knowledge of how to accurately code and apply the scales to your work.

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Alissa Copeland, MA


Alissa has worked with children and families in child welfare for twenty-one years, and was initially certified as a Parent-Child Interaction Scales assessor in 2007. Alissa utilized the scales in public child welfare for several years before becoming a Parent-Child Interaction Scales Instructor in 2015. She has been certifying professionals to utilize the scales since. Alissa values the use of these scales across disciplines as a tool to identify supportive services, benchmark milestones, and strengthen the parent-child relationship. Alissa is able to travel throughout the United States and Internationally, as well as provide certification training virtually via Zoom to support ongoing learning and professional development without the need for travel. Alissa can be reached at

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Cathrine Fowler, RN, RM, PhD

Sydney, New South Wales

Faculty of Health, Tresillian Chair in Child and Family Health University of Technology Sydney

Cathrine has extensive experience as a child and family health nurse, educator and researcher. She has been an instructor since 2008 and taught the PCI scales within Australia, China, & South Korea. She has assisted NSW Health Department implement the PCI scales in their Sustaining Families Home Visiting Program. As a researcher, PCI has been an important research tool. The PCI scales have provided an important parenting framework to assist in educating nurses about how to work successfully with parents and their infants and young children.

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MBeverly Allen, MN, RN, RM

Melbourne, Victoria

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Queen Elizabeth Centre

Melbourne, Victoria

QEC is an Early Parenting Centre based in Melbourne, Australia. We are passionate about Parent Child Relationship Programs and facilitate Keys to Caregiving and both PCI Scales. We have a Family Partnership and strengths-based approach in our work with families and the use of the Parent Child Relationship Programs. We have trainers located in Melbourne, Wodonga (NSW/Victoria border) and Morwell (Gippsland Region) and we are able to travel around Australia to facilitate training.

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Pam Stilling, RN, RM, MCHN

Early Parenting Consultant and Educator

With over 30 years clinical experience as midwife and MCH nurse, I have taught PCR Programs throughout Australia since 2004. Learning the PCI Scales develops enhanced insight into everyday interactions and their impact on children's developmental potential. Furthermore, you find simple and direct ways to effect improvements where needed.

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Zakiyyah Muhammad AMHSW, MSW

Family Haven SA

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Tanya Antle, RN, PHN

New Glasgow, Nova Scotia

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Susan Lamb, RN, PHN

Middleton, Nova Scotia

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Linda Brightling, MA

Toronto, Ontario

Early Childhood Therapist

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Michie Nagayoshi, RN, PhD

Tokyo, Japan

The Jikei University, School of Nursing

Dr. Nagayoshi has been teaching NCAST PCI since 2009 and was part of the first cohort of instructors in Japan. She participated in the translation of the NCAST manuals from English to Japanese and has participated in the data collection for the Japanese dataset to validate the NCAST scales.

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New Zealand

Sarah Haskell, OTR, MSC, MIMH

Tasman, NZ

Sarah and her colleague, Heidi Pace, MA, IMHS work as Infant Toddler Specialists in New Zealand.

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Shelina Bhamani, PhD

Karachi, Pakistan

Sarah and her colleague, Heidi Pace, MA, IMHS work as Infant Toddler Specialists in New Zealand.

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United Kingdon

Sue Ranger, D.Clin.Psych.

Leeds, England

Ms. Ranger is a clinical psychologist working for the National Health Service. Sue has been teaching the NCAST PCI scales since 2004.

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    Parent-Child Relationship Programs

    University of Washington - Box 357231

    Seattle, WA 98195-7231

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    Parent-Child Relationship Programs

    University of Washington

    Health Sciences Building F-346

    Seattle, WA 98195-7231

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