
Mothers who were considered at risk of postnatal depression were found to benefit from Promoting First Relationships

  A new study published in Developmental Psychology shows a brief home visiting program Promoting First Relationships, effectively supports caregiving practices of mothers who received…

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Compassion & Care: Supporting Women with Substance Use Disorders and their Newborns FREE video

Learn how to support women with substance use disorders and their newborns. This FREE 45-minute video is narrated through a trauma-informed lens and…

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Good advice for childcare providers and policy makers about the use of masks during a pandemic

Dr. Nicole Letourneau from the University of Alberta offers good advice for childcare providers and policy makers about the use of masks…

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Exciting News!

Parent-Child Relationships Program at the Barnard Center is very excited to announce that Dr. Nucha Isarowong has joined the Barnard Center to…

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Promoting First Relationships – New Study Results!

In its first randomized clinical trial within an American Indian Community, Promoting First Relationships significantly improved observed parental sensitivity (using the Parent-Child Interaction…

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The Durable Feeling That a Child Is Always at Risk

An incredible story by Dr. Rachael Pearson. Toward the end of the article she addresses how Promoting First Relationships has helped her work…

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Parent-Child Interactions (PCI) in Beijing

Denise Findlay, Director of Education at Parent-Child Relationship Programs, taught at the second annual national training of doctors, nurses, and educators in…

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BabyCues A Child’s First Language

Using BabyCues cards is a fun and informative way to visually convey information to parents and caregivers about the ways in which…

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Dealing with a Crying Baby

Crying is the infant’s way of signaling an overload or an unmet need that requires the caregiver’s prompt attention. Crying is the…

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The Significance of the Psychological Work of the Mother

The Significance of the Psychological Work of the Mother Normal, expected psychological work accompanies the woman’s natural progression from pregnancy to birth….

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New Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Assessment Training Videos available!

We are pleased to announce the release of ALL NEW training videos for the Parent-Child Interaction Feeding & Teaching scales. What makes…

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